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[多伦多GTA] 有更新-Sign to support Bill 79 Petition请所有血液里还是华人的朋友参与...









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发表于 2017-1-29 18:22:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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紧急呼吁, 立即行动,确保加拿大"设立南京大屠杀纪念日”法案三读通过!

尊敬的各位华人同胞,为了让全世界记住并纪念在南京大屠杀中惨遭日本法西斯军国分子杀戮的三十万同胞,为了昭示世人铭记历史,制止战争,维护和平, 敬请大家积极行动起来,确保安省议会通过79号法案! 该法案能否通过生效,完全取决于大家投出的有效签名票数!


为此,安省省议员黄素梅女士(Soo Wong)在安省议会提出法案设立南京大屠杀纪念日,该法案已通过二读,需要三读才可通过生效。目前,日本领馆和日本文化中心已经游说反对,能否在省议会通过三读并成为立法,还不确定。为此,黄议员委托CPAC(加拿大中国专业人士协会)收集支持Bill 79将每年12月13日定为南京大屠杀纪念日的Petition签名。黄素梅女士希望能收集10万份签名。这个议案一旦通过,就可以要求安省学校的课程表里包括二战亚洲战场的暴行和南京大屠杀的史实,一旦安省开始了,别的省就可以效仿,别的国家也可以效仿。我们的目的不是要挑起仇恨,而是争取和平,而和平的保障首先是正视和记住历史,避免罪行重犯。这是一件意义重大、影响深远的大事!

需要了解以下情况:1. 安省将12月13日作为南京大屠杀纪念日的法案名号是“79号法案”(Bill 79); 2.可以从CPAC官方网上下截表格,http://www.cpac-canada.ca/bill79petition/ 3. 每张表格可供10个(最好是安省)居民签名;4. 签名表必须是签字原版,非电子版。原件送、寄到CPAC 办公室(传真、扫描件无效);截止日期: 2017年4月15日。(之前是2017年2月15日)

同胞们! 为了不能忘却的历史,为了挽回中国人的尊严,更为了世世代代的和平, 我们恳请大家支持!请您务必于4月15日之前将签名表格原件寄往CPAC办公室 (地址: 4150 Finch Ave East, Scarborough ON M1S 3T9) 或者及时于4月12日之前送交到指定收集地点!


我不是加拿大专业人士协会的会员, 转这个贴也得不到任何好处, 就是朋友转了这个给我, 我核实后,就接力下去. 想证明一下这里的华人不是只会炒房而已,也要让政府了解一下我们的投票的数量可以左右法案的推行, 对吧。我的已经寄出,一张邮票而已,没有的留地址我寄给你。请看到这个贴的请接续转...

To the Legislative Assembly of OntarioWhereas the events in Asian countries during World War II are not well-known;Whereas the current curriculum in Ontario does not embrace a thorough discussion and examination of the WorldWar II atrocities in Asia;Whereas Ontario is recognized as a leader in inclusive education;Whereas Ontario is the home to one of the largest Asian populations in Canada, with over 2.6 million in 2011;1Whereas many Ontarians have direct relationships with victims and survivors of the Nanjing Massacre, whosestories are untold;Whereas the Nanjing Massacre, an atrocity with over 200,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers alike wereindiscriminately killed, and tens of thousands of women were sexually assaulted, in the Japanese capture of thecity;2Whereas December 13, 2017, marks the 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre;Whereas designating December 13th in each year as the Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day in Ontario willprovide an opportunity for all Ontarians, especially the Asian community, to gather, remember, and honour thevictims and families affected by the Nanjing Massacre.We, the undersigned residents of Ontario, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:That the Legislature pass Bill 79, the Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day and Education Act, 2016 by December8, 2017 to coincide with the upcoming 80th anniversary of Nanking Massacre commemorative activities which willallow Ontarians, especially those with Asian heritage to honour the victims and families affected by the NanjingMassacre. Additionally, enable the Minister of Education to assist publicly funded school boards and provideresources to strongly encourage and assist them in educating students about the atrocity.

我们(下面签名的安大略省居民)敦促安大略省议会通过第 79 号法案,宣布 12 月 13 日为南京大屠杀纪念日,并授权教育部长向公立学校提供帮助和资源对学生进行有关南京大屠杀的教育。(为了要我们的下一代牢记,当年的中国是多么的无助,当年的中国老百姓是多么的无辜。如果连把当年“国都之耻”的那段历史都没办法列入我们孩子的历史书里,不争取让世人知道,请您吃饭不要用筷子,因为不配)

Name Address SignaturePlease ensure original signed copies of this petition are returned to the following address by APR.15, 2017:CPAC, 4150 Finch Ave E, Scarborough ON M1S 3T9 (phone: 416.298.7885)1Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 99-010-X20110282John Pritchard and Sonia M. Zaide (eds.), The Tokyo War Crimes Trial: Volume 22 (New York: Garland Publishing, 1981), 49, 606-49, 609.


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